The Chronicle Productivity Guide to Service & Collegiality
The Chronicle Productivity Guide to Service & Collegiality
Junior scholars are trained to do research and, increasingly, to teach, but it’s the rare graduate program that gives any attention to preparing academics to do service. Yet not only will the service you perform be factored into tenure and promotion evaluations, it’s also an important part of the collegiality that makes departments run smoothly.
How in the world are you supposed to make time for service? What does it mean to be collegial when you spend most of your time working independently? What’s the line between an independent thinker and an uncivil boor? And how do you handle the latter? This guide will answer those questions and more.
Gain insight into these key areas:
• Serving on and leading committees
• Working productively with colleagues
• Mentoring and being a mentee
Date: August 24, 2018
Pages: 98
File size: 1.8 MB